@KaashMyChecks Paige Is Open On Her Latest ‘Love Songs’ Release

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Cocoa butter kisses?

[mks_dropcap style=”rounded” size=”52″ bg_color=”#e23ba5″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]T[/mks_dropcap] he hypnotizing and melodic ‘Love Songs’ track released over the V-day weekend has certainly caught the attention of more than a few impressed fans. Being one of them the track definitely holds the power to be tremendously underestimated with the first 20 seconds or so can be a little misleading for a first time listener, but once Kaash’s voice utters ‘I miss my cocoa butter kisses’ her tone can become quickly addicting for the next 2 mins & 40 seconds.

It’s still a little unbelievable that the 18-year old from Texas has found her voice in music simultaneously exciting to see the potential in what she has to offer coming from an R&B background.  Now that I have high expectations off the singer, I hope she delivers on a musical compilation project to match!

Peep the release of ‘Love Songs’ below..

[somryv url=”uwIIVeGq4Xg” size=”full” align=”center”]

Image courtesy of Youtube
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