.@theYoungShann Romances The Untimely End Of A Relationship In ‘Better’ Music Video

.@theYoungShann Romances The Untimely End Of A Relationship In ‘Better’ Music Video
(Press Play For Audio Article)
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‘Better plunges into the good and bad outcomes of being in a conflicted relationship by Young Shann.


Shann verbalizes the struggles of being in a relationship that has come to an untimely end. She makes it look flawless as she romances the realities of a waging war between her heart and mind. The song is a reminder of better times, utilizing the use of catchy melodic hooks and her distinct voice. We can also thank the platinum-producer W$ Kharri for the instrumental that assist in bringing Shann’s unique take to life. Using Brooklyn, New York as the setting for her back-drop, Brittney Briggs uses the departure of the train to represent Young Shann’s decision to choose herself.  

The song hints at our willingness to give more than we have of ourselves. In many cases, we become more of a burden to our significant other as there is a lack of reciprocation. The visuals received a warm welcome as it was released on October 28th. Already racking up over 14K views on her Youtube release, [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”5xz2e8kkv6″ question=”Have You Seen The Music Video?” opened=”1″]Young Shann makes it look easy.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

Young Shann states:

“I really wanted to explain how it feels to deal with a guy after you see red flags. Sometimes we find ourselves giving more than we are receiving. The ups and downs in relation can get stressful, but it wouldn’t be if time, love, and effort were reciprocated back to us.” (via Elevator)

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Image courtesy of Young Shann
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