7-Movies To Kick Off My Summer, July 2019

7 Movies
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I think last month was a better month for movie releases with installments from MIB4, Shaft, Child’s Play & I Am Mother releases on Netflix despite having to sit through Annabelle, which felt like I was dragged through the isles of the theatre and the upset over the X-Men release which I will probably never hear the end of on Twitter. A good bonus was the release of Anna, yet unexpected it was good and packed a punch worth checking out.

This month a little sketchy but there are 2 big releases inside to keep me busy including another Netflix release of our favorite ‘Stranger Things’ season 3, we’ve all been waiting on.

The month kicked off already with a release from Spider-man and having seen that already its definitely worth it.  While it picks up off where the Avengers left off, I’m happy it does not make Peter Parker’s focus solely on Avengers stuff but builds the character alongside his co-comical stars. The show must go on with a BIG release of the Lion King alongside a slew of star studded personalities to accompany the voice overs for the legendary characters included.

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Check out the releases after the jump.. starting with ‘Crawl’

Image courtesy of TrapAndFamous
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