Quarantine Helps @JoyCrookes Open Up On New Track “Anyone But Me’

Quarantine Helps @JoyCrookes Open Up On New Track “Anyone But Me’
(Press Play For Audio Article)
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Brit singer/songwriter ‘Joy Crookes’ creatively addresses mental health in a time when the globe struggles with isolation.  

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The south London native Joy Crookes new track ‘Anyone But Me‘ explores mental health at a time where we’re all being forced to look inwards.  The new single is supported by an updated sound, blending the likes of neo-soul and 808’s to her liking.  Crookes uses the rollout of her first single as an opportunity to open up about her own struggle.  The release joins in as a global chorus is developing around the issue of being.  

The ability to be candid as an artist and being is something that has developed through courage over time.  While her vocals glide smoothly over the beat, her tone can seem nonchalant at times.  With a little dig into her lyrics, we get to the center of her issues and misery-filled verses.  The song is a followup to her 2019 releases, where she debut two 5-track EP’s same year.  To get an in-depth look at Joy Crookes to check out her previous and latest compilation release ‘Preception’ EP below while ‘Anyone But Me’ is available on all streaming platforms also link above.  


The track is also another opportunity to expand the conversation about mental health and the first step into healing.  While there are other resources available for creating mental health music has been a long time aide for release.  Mental health is a topic currently one of the most important issues we are currently suffering in the form of globe isolation.   

[bctt tweet=”Brit singer/songwriter ‘@JoyCrookes’ creatively addresses mental health in a time when the globe struggles with isolation.” via=”no”]  

Image courtesy of Joy Crookes
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