The #Emmy Award Goes To, #Nike For Colin #Kaepernick ‘Dream Crazy’

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According to the NYT, Nike sponsored “Dream Crazy” ad featuring the controversial athlete known nationwide for his protest before games towards inequality and injustice, has just won its first award.

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Taking a chump of 5.5% in Nike’s marketing budget though it was a gamble, to sponsor and put the controversial athlete on such a pedestal paid out.  Over the weekend it was announced the company won an Emmy for ‘outstanding commercial’ at the ‘2019 Creative Arts Emmy Awards.’ The commercial, titled “Dream Crazy,” featured the talented Kaepernick alongside other sports legends including the richest female athlete on the planet Serena Williams and multi-awarded NBA MVP LeBron James. All of which have reached beyond their personal achievements to support and advance cultural, political and social causes.

The ad was originally released in September 2018 days before the NFL season. but although there were minor protest via social media NIKE the brand as at an all time high, suggesting co-signing the pro-football and social activist was right. With the success of that ad campaign, Nike furthered the message by adding ‘Dream Crazier’ featuring some up and coming athletes of the generation.

Nike has also recently partnered and debut their support with the Toronto Raptors in their release of a team-branded hijab for Muslim women athletes.

Image courtesy of Nike
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